Positive Living Academy

Are you ready to expand your awareness to live more fully?

Do you want to elevate your life condition to enrich your daily life?

We support and promote efforts to optimize feeling really good on the inside while thriving in daily life. Drop negative thoughts and feelings to enjoy a richer, lighter, happier you. Establish positive living habits and reap the rewards for yourself, loved ones and beyond. 


Positive Living Academy Series

A series to empower the mind and heart in order to feel really good on the inside and raise one’s inner state to enrich all aspects of one’s daily life.


Stuart Taylor

Stuart is a mindset coach, mindfulness and metaphysics expert, and author. His writings serve to help people elevate their life state by tapping their innate inner strength, courage and life force. He works to inspire others to live their best life by learning how to be lighter and allowing their natural state of joy and well-being to rise. As well as books he offers mastermind sessions. 

Positive Living Academy Series

A series to master the mind and uplift one’s inner state of being. Live with greater flow, love, compassion and resilience. Quiet the mind and relax into an expansive inner state. Elevated thinking leads to inspired action and empowered change from the inside out.

Vibrant Inner Peace
Best Life Mindset
The Little Book of Inner Strength
The Little Book of Positive Living
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